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Teaching media literacy & geographies of consumption: a guide to running a subvertisement workshop

Materiaalin julkaisija

What does an advertisement tell you and what does it leave untold? What are subvertisements and how can you use them in teaching?

With the help of this guide, you can run a subvertisement workshop, in which you and your students can critically analyse advertisements, ask questions of world trading relations that bring products into your lives, and use this knowledge to make and present your own subvertisements.

More information and subvertisements in English can be found on the website of Pro Ethical Trade Finland, Eettisen kaupan puolesta ry: https://eetti.fi/materiaalit/oppimateriaalit/media-subvertisements-food/

Soveltuvuus oppiaineisiin
  • 2. Kestävyyden monitahoisuuden hallinta, 2.2 Kriittinen ajattelu, 2.2.S1 Osaa vastata kestävyyttä koskevaan kritiikkiin ja argumentointiin omakohtaisilla perusteilla.