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Casková Michaela, Hirvonen Tiina Arjukka, Käppi Anu, Lindstedt-Kareksela Carita, Margus Aigi., Liimatainen Elli
Lyhyt kuvaus
We are scientists, artists, biologists and art educators developing and running evolution-based teaching materials and workshops.

Different evolutionary processes maintain and produce variation and biodiversity, from molecular level to individuals and species. With the help of evolutionary theory, its possible to explain things, like why the colouration of lady bird is red and black, and why certain butterflies imitate bird droppings.

Our aim is to promote understanding of evolution, its timescales and how humans impact ecological and evolutionary processes. This will guarantee that people of all ages understand how biological interactions shape and maintain biodiversity and how human actions currently threaten it. We want ensure easy access to this information in for

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